Monday, October 19, 2009

Inspiration Time

Found this video on youtube. I know its a couple of years old, but what a story. Just watch is all I have to say.


  1. BIG motivation from these two. Unfortunately they don't do Ironmans anymore, but they're still out there. They've got a book out there too - it won't win a Pulitzer, but it's an amazing story.

  2. I passed the two of them doing the Goofy Challenge this year (the half) right before the booths into DisneyWorld and just about had to stop and have a melt down. I wiped a few tears away and thought about them the whole way to finish in 1:32:05. Funny thing is that they finished a short 19 minutes behind me. If that wasn't inspiration to run a marathon the next day I don't know what would.
